Tony Flores | Director | Dad Joke Maker

My dad was a storyteller. As a kid, we’d go on long drives and he would make up elaborate stories of movies he imagined in his head. Laying out every character, their background, their motivation, what they were up against. I’d sit in the back seat in awe while the good guys beat the bad guys and the hero saved the day.

What I didn’t know was happening, was that Dad was imparting a creativity and love for storytelling that I’d never be able to shake.

As long as I’ve lived I’ve looked for ways to create fun things, make new friends, and make people happy through storytelling just as he did for me.

I picked up a camera for the first time in high school and haven’t put it down since.

When I’m not behind the camera I’m writing music, reading, or playing legos with my 4 year old. And trying to remember to drink water.

Megan Flores | Producer | Aspiring Yogi

As long as I can remember, whenever asked what I want to do with my life I answer “I want to help people”. I haven’t always known what avenue to take but I have known that deep “why” since 12 years old.

My joy is to help others share their stories, their passions, and what gets them out of bed each morning. The most life-giving conversations I have with others is talking about what they are passionate about, what they are doing, or want to do to better our families, communities, and world. 

I believe wholeheartedly in the power of story. We all gather around and want to hear stories from our loved ones and friends - Why not share what we are doing in our businesses and careers as well? My hope is that we are all living out the stories we want to tell years from now. 

You can find me playing at parks with my two boys, reading, exercising, and trying to go to every concert my budget will allow.